Zati mask
A feeling of accomplishment – I’ve wanted to weave a mask like this for years, since I first saw it in Susan Barrett Merrill’s book The Art of Weaving a Life. It has taken quite a while to get here. A slow accumulation of equipment and skills. It doesn’t seem easy, but it has to get easier from here, now that I’ve gotten the setup and the schematic figured out.

I need to evaluate what to do with those loopy warps. The warp on this one is 12/12 seine twine, rather thick and not easy to hide. It does unravel though – maybe I can cut it shorter and fan it out into a fluffy fringe. The weft is leftover sock weight yarn from Crochet Project makes.
I want to make another! More of a chin on the next one. I kept meticulous records of the steps so that I could recreate and adjust.
It’s meaningful to me to create a figure with some personality – a companion, I guess. Feels Godlike.