Boreal sunset book

A little book 4†high x 3-1/4†wide.
The covers are scraps of an eco-printed paper toned with watercolors. I’ve been saving them for awhile, waiting for a use to arise. I dyed the interior accordion with black walnut this past January and thought the two papers would work well together.
I finally got the motivation to measure, cut boards, and glue the book together. I realized I could use the scraps as end sheets, but reversed, so they appear on the cover. The main consideration was what to use underneath to cover the boards. I had to be able to stick the first and last sheets of the accordion to it. So I didn’t use bookcloth, but some much flimsier mauve paper with some ribbing and a bit of sheen.
It turned out well enough, although the accordion paper is not quite sturdy enough or big enough to allow the book to easily stand up. I might glue some of the interior pages together for more structure. A bit glue-happy with my new friend, wheat paste.
Also there was a failed experiment with microcrystalline wax involved. I’m lucky the book survived.
1 Response
[…] small accordion serendipitously assembled from pieces hanging around. Two watercolor-toned ecoprinted covers and a […]