When I try on my robe, my hands automatically reach for what was not there…until today!

I cut the pockets out of the well-loved but worn-out pants and pinned them into place. Then stitched them in with a back stitch that will hopefully have some strength to it.

I’m going to have to think about the entry to the pocket. The scallop shape is wrong. It should be a straight slit, I think. I may have to piece in an extension there.
A nice rhythm: pin something in place during the day, then stitch it down over tea the following morning.
I may be starting a baby-sized quilt because following in Jude’s footsteps is so irresistible.
Great pocket addition. I can tell by looking that I would miss those pants! But how can anyone wear a robe without pockets?
I really miss those pants, but they were too worn and faded for me to wear. The pockets are a huge plus for the robe!