Covering up
I feel an urgency about covering up the purple sheet fabric on the robe. Gravitating toward dark colors and silks. Ripping and pinning and piecing.
I’m thinking of the project in phases: large, medium, and small. The “large” is done, that was the major base pieces. Now I’m in the “medium”, which is coating, still with fairly big pieces of cloth. I’ve had to sprinkle “small” in here and there to maintain some momentum, like the pink moon patch and the magic nine-patches. Soon it will be mostly “small”.
I’ll need to sew in the pockets. I’m going to reuse pockets rescued from the pair of pants already scavenged for the dark strips.

Lots of beginner’s design thinking, like about my need for symmetry and straight lines. What if I didn’t need so much symmetry? What if I threw in some curves? Thus I made the red and brown strips asymmetrical. A very tentative move!
Thank you, Dale. I once tried to rename myself Dale because I like the name so much. But it didn’t stick. (I didn’t try very hard tho.)
I’m loving this, the earthiness of it. Keep showing us your progress, please.
Thank you, Marilee! I hope to keep showing progress. It keeps me from stalling out.
looks great!
Thank you, Jude! looks better without so much purple, I think.
catharine, I’m visiting via jude’s site.
your robe is looking mighty fine! I had to chuckle about your need for symmetry. I too have struggled with this. letting go and allowing a free form act happen is scary.
just follow your heart, acknowledge your inner child perhaps. I think the offset red and brown squares look great.
Hi Sarita, thanks for your comment. I’m thinking a need for symmetry is not necessarily bad, but I love the dynamic look of Jude’s work and some of it is – less symmetry.