Samurai feeling
I finished stitching the back center inset strip and the robe feels great on. I feel powerful wearing it! Then I hung it on the stick and put the sleeves in place. Looks wonderful! Now I’m eager to stitch the sleeves on and see how that goes.

Back view

Front view – there will be extensions filling the gap in the center

With sleeves

Vignette treatment – dreamy
To do the vignette: I used PS Express on my iPhone, edited the photo using the Portrait selection, within that chose “VignetteBlue.”
Thought /Â feeling catching:
- The robe is resisting the somber indigo cloth from Richard Carbin. I may need to be open to other fabrics.
- I want to add a bird now. Immediately! And — pockets. I could reuse the pockets from the cut up pants. And — velvet! (that favorite piece I’ve been saving)
- I’m worried about the neck treatment. How will that work? I think I need another patch at the upper back too. (problem-solving)
- Really wondering a lot about the handmade look of the robe. Whether I’ll dare to wear it out of the house, or rather in public. Maybe it will be for interior contemplation time only.
- Why should wearing handmade or fantasy clothing be considered so eccentric? Is that even the right word to use? Maybe it should be “post-capitalist”?
- Thinking a lot about reuse/recycle ethos as I stitch.
Also about imbuing clothing with fantasy (thoughts). Developing relationship with garments.