Shibusa saga
I lost blogging momentum as many pleasant late summer activities took precedence. Now it’s October 1st and time for an update on the shibusa felting adventure.

Batch of 10 stitched prefelt sandwiches – side A

Batch of 10 stitched prefelt sandwiches – side B

Preparing for eco printing – sumac leaf and berries

Preparing for eco printing – tansy

Bundles ready to immerse in a rhubarb root dye bath

Another bundle using dyer’s coreopsis flowers

Results are quite brassy and antique-looking

Dyed stones

Another view of the dyed squares

Another dyeing session – a steam bath

Nine dyed squares, plus Nicola’s pale green one

Testing out different arrangements for assembly

Assembled – side A

Assembled – side B

With added shaping, scraps, and stitching plus some supplemental wool – side A

With added shaping, scraps, and stitching plus some supplemental wool – side B

Submerged in hot water