wind, wood, wool
windy monday what a day to work outside stacking two cords of wood hat corralling hair now all loaded nicely into the wood shed after that I sat and remade the hat band half...
windy monday what a day to work outside stacking two cords of wood hat corralling hair now all loaded nicely into the wood shed after that I sat and remade the hat band half...
steady rain all day puttering at home till 3 then needed to get out catching myself in mirrors everywhere the mirror of “ten” the mirror of “mom” the mirror of project lead the mirror...
pulled over on Route 1 in Ellsworth license, registration and insurance please what? I just moved here, not sure I know where my papers are! she pointed out the registration was the yellow one...
finally a free day here beautiful day to transplant herbs brought up from Connecticut in a bucket Walking onions Comfrey Peppermint Lemon Balm Berggarten Sage Feverfew Rosemary – in a pot Catmint Artemisia also...
trouble getting through my work day meeting after meeting collaboration too much of a good thing reviewing user guide call with Mexico call with boss and boss’s boss calls with team work and personal...
7 am leaving home for work a bucket of potatoes on the front stoop a gift from the potato fairy I give a drink of water to the herbs which I haven’t had the...
Leo Kottke, Jack Gets Up Everyday in the morning when you get up and you crawl out of bed And you crawl out of bed and you crawl out of bed Everyday in the...