tall order manifesto
A Manifesto: How to Make the Art World Bearable Again, by Filip Noterdaeme
- We need more artists who are not concerned with doing the “right thing.”
- We need more artists who find ways to examine and express human misery or bliss without a political agenda.
- We need more artists who don’t play by the rules imposed by curators, gallerists, museums and art collectors.
- We need more artists who are wary of “meaning” and embrace contradiction.
- We need more artists who don’t pretend to have the right answers.
- We need more artists who don’t give a damn about making you feel good or bad.
- We need more artists who are not afraid of running into trouble.
- We need more artists who are able to laugh at the absurdity of life and art.
- We need more artists who don’t resemble anybody’s idea of what an artist ought to be and who nonetheless produce great art that takes us by surprise, makes us think and reflect, and leaves plenty of room for multiple interpretations.