De Imaginum… Compositione
From the amazing Monoskop Log:
Giordano Bruno: On the Composition of Images, Signs & Ideas (1591/1991)
Edited by Dick Higgins!
Containing wild lists and structures (atria) such as this:
Book One, Part Two, Chapter Six
The adjective places of the atrium of the altar you will now vary with five forms with an assisting atrium’s five fold situationIn the atrium of the altar at its eastern angle there is water flowing down, at the right one a plow, on the left a chain. At the western angle there is a tree, at the right a ram, on the left a banquet. At the southern angle there is a horse, at the right an anchor, on the left a chariot. At the northern angle there is a prison, at the right a giant, on the left a goat. On the eastern side there is an ewer, at the right a son or young man, on the left an amphora. At the western side is an oven, at the right a fork, on the left a consuming fire. At the southern side there is a cloud of smoke, on the right fruit, and on the left a stable. At the northern side is a desk, at the right a skiff, on the left a throne.
Who knows what to make of it?