“the blue heron stole a little book / of recipes”
JACK COLLOM 3-4-00, from blue heron & ibc ecopoetics volume 2, page 53 I enjoy reading Jack Collom. I find his work gentle, intriguing, childlike. I like the Blue Heron selections a lot. They...
JACK COLLOM 3-4-00, from blue heron & ibc ecopoetics volume 2, page 53 I enjoy reading Jack Collom. I find his work gentle, intriguing, childlike. I like the Blue Heron selections a lot. They...
SEHJAE CHUN / ZEBRA MUSSEL AND BULL FROG ecopoetics, volume 2, page 52 Aliens. And time. I appreciate this poem. The poet draws a comparison between the struggle to remove invasive species and the...
SHERRY BRENNAN / FROM WINTER POEMS ecopoetics, volume 2, page 44 Mysteriousness. I read this poem several times – four or five times? Several sections opened to me. The cow whose name shall be...
Having second nudges toward Charles Bell. Googled. Found this. He died on Christmas Day 2010, in Belgrade Maine. RIP. I am sorry to report that Charles Bell just passed away, on Christmas Day. He...
Peaceful feeling for the New Year… Article in the Missoulian: Weed eating works: Shepherd in fifth year of Missoula program deemed success against leafy spurge