west side (mostly) ride
30 miles started at Jackie Robinson Park W 147th Street had to backtrack to get around the park (cycling up a hill better than carrying your bike up steep stairs at 155th) bit of...
30 miles started at Jackie Robinson Park W 147th Street had to backtrack to get around the park (cycling up a hill better than carrying your bike up steep stairs at 155th) bit of...
8 miles just a short bit of Bike New York‘s Discover the Hudson Valley Ride from Dutchess County Community College start over the Walkway over the Hudson, former railroad bridge outside Poughkeepsie took shelter...
Still contemplating “place” with Stephen Batchelor’s Confession of a Buddhist Atheist as guide. One needs to make a conscious shift from delight in a fixed place to awareness of a contingent ground. (Confession, p....
From The Journal, 1837-1861, Henry David Thoreau, page 9: The poem is drawn out from under the feet of the poet, his whole weight has rested on this ground. Online sources like Wikiquote continue...
Traveled to the Brooklyn Museum yesterday to view Kiki Smith’s exhibit “Sojourn.” Formal review? No. Reactions? Yes. Nepal paper. Flimsy (in a good way). No frames. Intimacy. Pages pasted up against the wall? Were...
about 8 miles, with some walking recreational trail starting at Card’s Crossing early in the morning – started out cold and blind, glasses speckled with mist biking on packed gravel until we got to...
30+ miles from Tracy Road in Franklin to Cherryfield and back View Blackwoods Road, Franklin to Cherryfield in a larger map route is dotted with lakes and many pullouts and interesting rock formations passed...