class distinctions ride
20 miles
Knickerbocker to Tod’s Point via South End Stamford
signs in Greenwich:
Private Lane
Private Road
Private Neighborhood
Stop and show your Pass
If they have to have signs saying it’s Private, it’s not private enough.
signs in Stamford:
La Fabulosa Grocery
Destiny Chasers Worship Center
Schleicher High Grade Player Pianos
animal life:
squirrels gravitate inexplicably toward the center of the road early in the morning
many rabbits
white heron
fire station blaring wake up music
many birds, Tod’s Point
human life:
lost triathlete asking us if we knew the way to the “beach”
we responded “which beach” and he didn’t know
we recommended heading south
men stuccoing enormous building by hand early Sunday morning
Christianne’s fiberglass planters
Joe G’s garden shop and nursery