Monthly Archive: April 2010

west harlem piers park

What I called the garden of sounds is a public art installation: Public art displayed in the park by local artist Nari Ward was commissioned through the Department of Cultural Affairs’ Percent for Art...

west side ride

20 miles along the hudson river, west side, manhattan fresh air, sunshine, cool breezes lots of pedestrians lots of sights new york’s cherry trees – past their prime balancing rocks strange little garden of...

echo logical

unless I remember & recite The Whole Poem over & over inwardly (‘To Myself‘) in first light. Grenier, page 54 It’s the first light that gets me.

more piety

Questioning is the piety of thought. Heidegger, The Question Concerning Technology

by hand

The next piece is an essay by Robert Grenier, handwritten. I love handwriting in publications. It is not that easy to decipher – I’m going to have to print it out and make notes....

roiling sky

What do we know about this piece? We know it is an excerpt from “The Conversation.” We know it has two speakers, a male and a female. We know it is set in contemporary...