Monthly Archive: March 2010

moving information

Starting to study Kenneth Goldsmith and his piece in ecopoetics volumn 1, an excerpt from “The Conversation.” Getting more than I bargained for, saving myself in the nick of time from another absurd dismissal....

oil x 365

Product of Compression I thought that I would like to see what would happen if I learned one thing about oil every day for a year… Jennifer S. Flescher’s ecoblog about oil. First a...

the kite and the whale

Reading “The Kite” by Marcella Durand. Feeling resistance (not uncommon for me encountering a poem). The parentheticals are distracting, I’m wondering why use them, what are they for. I can’t stop thinking about Moby...


Reading about earthworms. It is a complicated story, with peregrines, cosmopolitans, arboreals, exotics, and the usual combination of fright and hope for the future. Wondering about the equivalent of earthworms in poetry. A fertile...

introspection as scientific method

Listening to a podcast featuring B. Alan Wallace. Interesting to note Wallace’s view that psychology after William James has stigmatized the “personal” as completely unreliable. Contrast behaviorism as strictly viewing external behaviors and denying...


If I didn’t like poetry, and liked pruning, I might compare poetry and pruning, but as it is, pruning seems to involve a battle resulting in the sudden, violent death of very large entities....