conditions for outside discoveries, in human language arts at the turn the millenium, feel narrow: generally, walks do not make it into the embattled environment of today’s best poetry.
JS, ecopoetics 01, page 5
The first thing I ask is – is it true?
Also getting caught up in aversion to any speech that claims to be general. Wittgenstein writes about the craving for generality. It would seem anti-eco-poetic, this craving for generality. In poetic-speak, this may also be called “universality.”
I like the term “outside discoveries.” Outside what? He’s talking about out of doors. Why not outside of my skin, my head, my waking hours?
“human language arts at the turn of the millennium” – feels way too broad.
When I read the word narrow, I think of a crack between boulders that has grown wider over years. That narrow crack attracts – you want to see what grows in there. If it’s wet, if you could fit your body into it, your hand, how far down, if it’s mossy, what is at the bottom, if you can see how the parts joined way back when.
Embattled environment, no doubt. If one participates in that.
Today’s best poetry? A quest for the best, a best guess, a best guest, a better guest, a good guest, a good guess, a beast. Best is no good, there’s a fracture here. So here we are, walking through a fractured crack into the embattled environment of someone’s quest for the best