Monthly Archive: September 2006
soldiers i know or may know
Rory, son of a friend in the Marines Davy, son of a friend who wants to go into the Air Force John, son of my sister who’s thinking of going into the Navy
warming up
“Singing with Nusrat was pretty heavy,” says Eddie Vedder. “There was definitely a spiritual element. I saw him warm up once, and I walked out of the room and just broke down.” Nusrat Fateh...
new york century
82.8 miles average speed 10 great ride through Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx lots of greenways and bike way, water views and city streets dinner at Finestra (1370 York Avenue)
spiritual flight sutra
Brush and Ink: The Chinese Art of Writing
bearded woman
“I live in a very liminal place,” Ms. Miller says. “‘Liminal’ means an ‘in-between place,’ ” she explains. “It means ‘in a doorway, a dawn or a dusk.’ It’s a lovely place. In the...
backwoods broadsides
So exciting! I had to take a picture of the lovely packaging, because I knew I would destroy it getting it open. I heard about this here.