Monthly Archive: January 2006

pitahaya or tamarillo

comprehensive list of fruit names Doing fruit research after mistaking a pitahaya ($6.99) for a red tamarillo ($1.49) in the grocery store last weekend.

example: e-chap

john korn, from the backroom, an e-chap from MiPoesias Also – a discussion on the question “How do you really feel about online publication versus print?”

in the kitchen (with smells)

moroccan lentil stew (cinnamon, cumin, turmeric, hot pepper) whole wheat bread made with molasses

details of a lost library

Stella Waitzkin … who lived and had recently died in the Chelsea Hotel unimagined wonders are an abiding possibility at every turn aufheben: to preserve, to negate, and to transcend she found meaning in...

tea room at the edge of the world

Soul of the World Tea Room, Corner of Fairfield and Brewster, Bridgeport, Connecticut