Monthly Archive: September 2005

aseasonal antiphonal

irreverence pumpkin heads peace cocks caw dirt in yeast awful stew bitter herbs entrail soups time to smoke bonfire swap witch like lust carnal rust heavy heads pyramids rainlike veils offal fails sweep up...

poem with made-up words

Root cellar girl tucked in there among the glangsnide carrots bins of yams and winter squash. Unconcerned about clean body unconcerned about health unconcerned about movement. Very very still cultivating allsomely the snorval fear...

household poem

morning eyes open see clouds in layers gray bluegray graygold and sky white with morning greet fungus angel on the opposite roof and notice more murk arise in my mood raise swampy legs one...

in my opinion

After you visit City Lights Pocket Poets Series “Lunch Poems” by Frank O’Hara in Border’s Book Store so often that your fingeroil DNA completely coats both covers and your eyestains invisibly darken every page...

lunch haiku

ancient September* soon break your blue sky bowl and spill fog memories *phrase from Frank O’Hara’s “Naphtha”