grottoes and shrines
grottoes and shrines Fascinated to find this page of links on the edge(s) link(ed) page of the Joglars crossmedia beliefware site. Although the section is highlighted as “active,” none of the links go anywhere....
grottoes and shrines Fascinated to find this page of links on the edge(s) link(ed) page of the Joglars crossmedia beliefware site. Although the section is highlighted as “active,” none of the links go anywhere....
The Latin word incunabulum (plural incunabula, and often anglicized as incunable) literally means cradle, and more loosely refers to the infancy, birthplace or origin of something. from Psymon Web Bindery An incantation is a...
There’s a website devoted to them, with a story about Kaspar Hauser, Wild Child of Europe. When he was found: He was wearing a round felt peasant’s hat lined with yellow silk, an old...
I feel like I owe surrealism an apology for the lame critique in yesterday’s post … this post is an attempt at reparations … Gioia’s essay on Tate and “American Surrealism” ignores the political...
James Tate and American Surrealism, an essay by dana gioia Delighted to find this essay online after stumbling onto it in the library and neglecting to check out the book. Points that stuck with...