sheet rocking utility room

Sam is putting up sheetrock in the utility room. I had to help position the large pieces along the sloped ceiling. It was very awkward with the tank right in the way. The rest of the project should go easier, since the pieces are smaller and don’t need to be held way up in the air.

Common Ground Fair

Spent Friday and Saturday at the Fair. Friday we had lots of rain, Saturday we had a sunny windy cool day, with huge crowds.

Found out the quickest route is Route 139 through Monroe.

Bought four varieties of seed garlic for planting:
Music, Philips (Maine heritage variety), Red Russian and Lorz Italian Softneck.

Bought a quart of Frontier Sugarworks maple syrup.

Bought a small cake of beeswax.

Bought yarn for crocheting hats.

mineral oil

finally found plain mineral oil
in pharmacy department at

avoiding overspending at Viking, Home Depot, etc.
for mineral oil marketed specially for butcher blocks
with Vitamin E

“once a day for a week
once a week for a month
once a month for a year”


paid tax in Town Office
submitted voter registration cards

then to Ellsworth BMV
new title, new registration,
new plates, new Driver’s license

“36 VP”

odometer stopped at 299,999
not a problem because car is more than 10 years old

I have to get an inspection
within 5 days

lay of the land

I hiked to the community garden
and then tried to find my way
through the fields and woods
back to the house

couldn’t do it, the house is well hidden
didn’t want to get lost
so I followed a wider trail and
ended up back in the fields

some other day

heavy rain

Sam cleaned the gutters

he’s working on putting
an electric fence around the beehive

purchased at Agway:
wire and insulators

bought a Cuisinart colander
that sits over the sink


went to Hancock Transfer Station
he took my trash although I didn’t have the card
or anything with my address on it

met Lili from Frenchman’s Bay Tea Company in Sorrento

harvested tomatoes and grapes

hiked Tunk Mountain with Deb, all the way to the summit
saw a bear on Blackswoods Road driving home

ins and outs

bought a waffle runner at L.L.Bean’s
checked out furniture stores
Taunton River, Merrill’s, Park’s
didn’t buy anything
living with minimal furniture
chair – one brown folding chair
table – a large pink plastic tote full of winter clothes
stools – none
mattress – Ray’s

figuring out waste stream
some books to Goodwill
flattened moving boxes to Coastal Recycling
redeemables to Hancock Grocery

have to come back to Transfer Station tomorrow (saturday)

talked to Blair and Sam at Tidal Falls
stargazing, I can see the Milky Way