Overview – end of June

I took photos in the early morning, so the lighting is quite shadowy. But here is a tour of the main garden rows. We have had some good healthy rainstorms lately so the plants are starting to look lush.

Fenceline tomato row
Jacob’s Cattle beans
Globe Thistle volunteer and broccoli
Fava beans and pea trellis
Escarole, collards and flowering mustard greens
Potato row
From bottom: ground cherry, patty pan squash, zucchini, parsnips, beets, cippollini onions and leeks
Tomato Cathedral
Winter Squashes between asparagus and chicken run

Mid summer overview

Almost summer solstice and my garden is growing. Here’s what the rows look like with the exception of the tomato rows:

Photo from back corner
Comfrey – chopped it down today for mulching in orchard
Leeks, Cippollini, beets, parsnips, zucchini, patty pan squash
Potatoes and a sunflower volunteer
Mixed greens, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts
Fava beans, pea trellis
Broccoli heading up
Another broccoli
Artichoke volunteer
Jacobs cattle bean, peppers, chard, kale

July harvest

We are harvesting:

  • Garlic
  • Fingerlings
  • Fava beans
  • Peas
  • Blueberries

It all takes some work. The garlic needs to be cured, the fingerlings dug and soil sifted, the fava beans shelled, blanched, released from their waxy coat, and frozen. The peas shelled.

I pick over the blueberries to clean them a bit then freeze them in a single layer on a tray. When frozen, we transfer them to a freezer bag. We pick blueberries every morning. This morning, hit a record of forty ounces.

Making room in the garden for a fall planting, which should be done – now!

Fava bean pods and their contents

Mid July

The garden is full of delights. And as always, mysteries.

This morning, a heavy dew or maybe a descended fog spangled everything. It burned off as the sun got hot.

I took some photos. I tried to photograph dew but it never comes out as beautiful as it is,

Globe thistle getting ready to bloom
Baby patty pan squash
Early cabbage “Farao” recovered nicely from cabbage worm attacks
Corner trellis with carrots, arugula, lettuce, kale, and escarole inside and cucumbers starting to climb outside
Broccoli side shoot
Noticed first sunflowers in bloom yesterday
A forest of volunteer sunflowers in a potato patch
Black admiral on the raspberries
Some raspberries are ripe
Indigo Apple tomatoes
Picking blueberries daily