West side walk

Going down to Perley’s on a walk. I can see the mountains of Acadia far in the distance. Not sure which mountain this is. I’d like to get to know my area well enough that I can name all the mountains from any angle I’m looking. I’ve often thought there should be an app for that, and maybe there is.

Camp cleanup

Work has slowed down to a crawl at camp. Other chores are taking precedence. But the bathroom tiling is complete. Floor including two saddles, and shower stall.

And we received a nice rug as a gift from Jerry, which is currently spread out in the loft.

We spent some time today just cleaning up. Mostly moving things out of the bedroom, which is designated as a place to store incoming furniture. The main area is being kept clear so the kitchen work can proceed without worrying about sawdust marring the furnishings.

I feel hopeful that next year, we’ll be able to spend more time at camp in a functional dwelling.

Hoophouse rehab

The hoophouse has been uncovered for the season because we made a bet on warm, wet weather. We had plenty of rain. It was warm, but not the dreadful heatwave some parts of the US got. So the plants did okay. The tomatillos were especially happy. The basil also did well.

But the time comes to think about covering it up for the cold season growing. First step is to clean up the area. Lots of grass and weeds grow up around the edges. Things accumulate there, like wood, sticks, planks, plastic pots, cords, trays, watering cans…

We removed everything and Sam weedwhacked. He should be wearing safety glasses, but he was not. And got a scratched cornea as a result. Which necessitated a midnight visit to the emergency room with eye pain. It was not serious, luckily, and he anticipates a complete recovery.

Autumn joy

The color of this clump of Autumn Joy Sedum is just lovely. My friend said this image would make a nice image for rug hooking.

I like a messy garden and this bed has filled out beautifully. Sage, some type of artemisia and goldenrod, as well as a granite boulder, companion the sedum.

It’s not native and I don’t see pollinators on it so that’s a negative, sadly.

Autumn Joy Sedum

Camp – rug

Jerry secured this beautiful rug for camp. I think it will really work well with the pale green walls and the general ambience. We’re not ready for a rug yet, so it will be stored in the loft temporarily. I will pick up some of the colors for furnishings, especially the maroon and delft blue tones.