I’ve been frustrated by spotty germination in the hoophouse. Some things are growing lushly – escarole, spinach, kale, carrots. But others are just not where I’d want them to be at this time of year.
So I planted more seeds today, including in the vacant spaces left by the tomatillo harvest. Mostly spinach, but also some winter lettuce and ice-bred arugula. We’ll see what happens.
Also added some goat manure and watered. A very light snow – maybe sleet – ticked on the cover of the hoophouse while I was working.
New decorative items, gifts from a friend in Connecticut who is downsizing. A wind chime that looks like peacock feather eyes, made of glass, hanging on the right middle brace. And a decorative hanging pot just visible at the top of the photo.
We will soon transition the hoophouse to its summer purpose — hothouse crops like peppers, basil, eggplants. Maybe a tomato, tomatillo, ground cherry.
It’s time to acknowledge that the hoophouse has been great this past winter for overwintering greens.
Planted in late August, it produced robust happy plants in the fall until real cold weather.
Then we ate greens (although sparingly) all winter, with one cleanup to remove dead plants.
Come spring, some varieties really took off. We had abundance much earlier than we would get from outdoor planting.
It’s work, but not a lot of work. We rarely watered the raised beds. We covered them with frost-protection cloth at night and removed it in the morning. We installed dowels in channels sewn at the edge of the cloth strips to make it easier to lift and drape the covers. We’ll have to decide how to enrich the soil in the beds before this coming August (when the hothouse crops will still be in there!).
Hesitating for various reasons: tatsoi, carrots, scallions, minutina
More short-lived, consider succession planting: mache, arugula
Give it a try: cilantro
Not pictured: Mizuna, which grew okay in the fall but died out in mid-winter and had to be removed. I don’t think I’d grow it again as it took space away from better performers.
Snow was predicted earlier, but the forecast changed. And indeed we are getting rain, rain, and more rain and strong winds. A real snow melter.
I thought it would be pleasant enough sheltered in the hoophouse but the temperature was somewhere in the 30’s and my hands became numb almost immediately.
Nevertheless I planted some arugula, Salanova lettuce, and tatsoi in some of the empty rows in the hoophouse. Sam watered them in with the hose. Now we are warming up inside.
Sam is interested in the temperature management inside the hoophouse where we are overwintering greens. Four seasons farming!
The hoophouse’s plastic cover does part of the job. Then there is an internal low hoop of heavy duty row cover over the raised beds. He has also hung silver-backed bubble wrap from the internal hoophouse frame to reflect light down onto the plants on sunny days.
To give an indication of the difference it makes on a cold day, I recorded some temperatures on February 9, 2020:
6:30 am
1 ℉
In hoophouse
Row cover down
At soil level
19 ℉
9 am
8 ℉
In hoophouse
37 ℉
Row cover down
At soil level
28 ℉
9:30 am
9.3 ℉
In hoophouse
51 ℉
Row cover raised
At soil level
50 ℉
11:00 am
12 ℉
In hoophouse
72 ℉
Row cover raised
At soil level
71 ℉
7:30 pm
19 ℉
In hoophouse
20 ℉
Row cover down
At soil level
30 ℉
The hoophouse and the row covers definitely both help. On a 1 degree night, the temperature at soil level was 19 degrees.
A manual effort is required to lift off the row covers when the sun is shining. This shows in the difference at soil level between 9 and 9:30 am. With the row cover down at 9 am, the row cover was keeping in the night’s cold even though the temp in the hoophouse was rising quickly. With the row cover raised shortly after 9 am, the temps in the hoophouse and soil level equalized.
After the sun went down, it was 19 outside, 20 in the hoophouse, and 30 at soil level, showing the row covers really retain some of the day’s heat.
Sam wants to automate the lifting of the row covers (and other aspects of this process when we get a greenhouse). But for now, it’s been an interesting science project and we are still eating a small amount of greens.
We did some work on the raised beds in the hoophouse today. Some were pretty much gone by and had to be cut back severely (arugula, mizuna). Others needed a trim, removal of dead tips and rotting base leaves. We got a bag of fresh greens for our trouble. Then tucked everybody back under their row covers. Supposed to drop into the teens tonight. The chickens got a bundle of clippings.
The temperatures have dipped into the teens for several nights recently but the greens in the hoophouse remain healthy and lush. I opened the row covers this afternoon in the sun to give them some extra light and air. While picking some greens, I found a soft green caterpillar munching away and a few grasshoppers, live and well.
I am enjoying these beds of greens very much. They are lush and trouble-free. No damage from bugs or frost or drought. No need to water as we haven’t closed up the hoophouse yet.
Wonder how they will do as cold weather sets in, if it does.