Camp – shower stall and windowsills

It’s mud season and the camp road threatens to swallow up the car in many places. Nevertheless work continues. Cam is working on trimming out the windows and Sam is working on the shower stall and finishing up the painting.

Bathroom window and outside wall of shower
Linen closet
Electrical box and problematic outlet paint job
Broom closet with handy outlet for rechargeable battery device such as a DustBuster
Bedroom windowsill
Shower stall with Schluter base
Working on the curb
Bathroom windowsill
East side window looking out on neighbor’s

Camp update

There has been some major progress at camp. The stairs are in, which makes accessing the loft much easier. And the walls are sheetrocked, which really helps define the space. Sam is working on compounding, as well as continuing the work on the electrical and plumbing systems.

The stairs are in. And the sheetrock.
Sweet little loft room with storage space along the sides.
View from the loft
Another view from loft. It’s snowing but you can’t really see it.
Looking up from kitchen area
Under stairs. There will be a desk under here.
Ceiling fan and light fixture, protected from sheetrock dust.
Pendant light in dining room
Pendant light hooked up to switch
And with a dimmer
Little woodstove cranking away
Broom closet

Camp progress

Camp work is plodding along at a slower pace. But keeping up the momentum. The staircase is almost complete. And there are knee walls built in the loft, with places for doors. Sheet rocking is coming next.

Staircase and Paula
Low walls in loft

Update 2/15: Sam got the plumbing inspected and approved by Millard!

Camp: more ceiling work

Having close proximity to the ceiling at camp is special. The scaffolding and the extra boards will be going away and it won’t be easy to get up there. Not that it’s easy now. My fear of heights kicks in and I refuse to get on the scaffolding. I don’t even like seeing other people up there. Except in photos, now that everyone is down safely.

Scaffolding at dusk on Saturday

The ledge of boards
My area of the loft, where I felt safe painting
Sam and Jerry at work on Sunday
They got a lot done

Update Jan 27: Sam installed the ceiling fan using a pre-owned piece of iron pipe.

Camp story: loft and windows

Back view with windows in loft, bedroom and bathroom
Front view with living and dining room windows
Side view overlooking neighbors’ camp
Side view overlooking DiBella camp
Front view overlooking the lake and Fiery Mountain
We got up into the loft today!
View out the loft window
Looks majestic from up in the loft! There will be two more high windows in the front wall when they get delivered. There are a lot of boards to paint (window trim mostly).