Camp – painting trim

The carpenters are back after some time doing other things. They are installing the baseboard and door trim.

Sam likes to urethane first because it’s faster and easier painting. So we were there this weekend applying 3 coats to the trim. Still more to do but most of it’s painted.

Cut and labeled
Cut and labeled pieces
Not cut yet
View from loft

And the wood for the bedroom floor has been purchased and is acclimatizing in the loft.

Wood for bedroom floor

Camp cleanup

Work has slowed down to a crawl at camp. Other chores are taking precedence. But the bathroom tiling is complete. Floor including two saddles, and shower stall.

And we received a nice rug as a gift from Jerry, which is currently spread out in the loft.

We spent some time today just cleaning up. Mostly moving things out of the bedroom, which is designated as a place to store incoming furniture. The main area is being kept clear so the kitchen work can proceed without worrying about sawdust marring the furnishings.

I feel hopeful that next year, we’ll be able to spend more time at camp in a functional dwelling.

Camp – rug

Jerry secured this beautiful rug for camp. I think it will really work well with the pale green walls and the general ambience. We’re not ready for a rug yet, so it will be stored in the loft temporarily. I will pick up some of the colors for furnishings, especially the maroon and delft blue tones.

Camp – bathroom tile

It never seems easy, but we have finally settled on some tile for the camp bathroom.

The pebbles that were our first choice for the shower floor have been discontinued. So we ended up with the simple dark gray squares.

The bathroom floor will be the long planks with the gray mottling.

The shower walls and ceiling will be the mottled looking white tile that’s standing up.

On to the next step!


I was so surprised to see this rhodora at our camp property on Donnell’s Pond. As soon as I read about them, I wanted to see one and I always thought I’d have to do some major exploration far afield to come across the fabulous blooms. I was wandering around outside looking vaguely at the boggy area near the lakeshore, when I spotted a flash of pinkish magenta. Upon closer investigation, I realized it was a rhodora! Fantastic sight.

And here’s a view of camp from across the road, peeking shyly out from the forest.