The garden turned a corner in the last day or two from really half-hearted, barely making it, to growing too fast to keep up with. Lots of rain, interspersed with a day or two of sunshine and no real heat yet to speak of. These photos were taken late in the day, 7 pm or thereabouts, so the garden appears somewhat gloomy.
Scallions and parsnips from last year going to seed. Artichokes in the foreground doing well.The tomato cathedral made from cattle panels.Beautiful dark red Salanova lettuces. Pelleted seeds from Johnny’s, really easy to plant.Fingerlings from Wood Prairie and soybeans from Fedco.The beloved Windsor fava beans from Fedco are blooming, two packets planted this year.Broccoli heads forming. This may be DeCicco or Aspabroc from PineTree, not sure. The broccoli was protected from flea beetle under row cover, and grew well, only to get partially destroyed by a porcupine the one night we left the electric fence off.The three sisters row has turned into four sisters counting the volunteer potatoes growing there.Sam is making the last of the bean tripods.Bean tripods installed and ready for rattlesnake pole beans to climb.View of the garden from the tool shed door. We are eating lots of asparagus and some nice mixed salads.
It’s been a cold wet spring. The garden is doing okay, but lagging a bit from last year I think.
Vegetable garden
Garlic outside fence and flower row inside fence with daisies and allium, plus lots of seeds and dahlias not visible yetHorseradish about to flower, twelve winter squash plants in three sisters row, comfrey at end of rowBroccoli (de cicco and aspa-broc) and cabbage, under row cover for flea beetleKale, fava beans mulched in shredded leaves, and last year’s green onionsBroccoli rabe, beets and turnips (too tiny to see), last year’s parsnips allowed to go to seed
There’s more growing in the vegetable garden but it’s too small to be very photogenic: carrots, parsnips, cabbage, summer squash, cucumber, peas, and asparagus.
Fruit yard
Fruit yard innovation – fence posts along raised beds allowing for rotation of chicken run fencing so they can have fresh greens to scratch upGooseberry rescued from weeds in its own raised bedBumblebee pollinating blueberryRaspberry plants in second yearStrawberry plants in second year and an artichoke from Lesley S.Grapevines just beginning to leaf out, radically pruned last fall
Front Yard
Reinforced bird feeder with goldfinch. Probably knocked over by bear last night, which is the same day of last year’s bear visitation!Front garden – finally trimmed all dead stalks so it looks pretty neat at this point. Chives, tansy, oregano, artemisia, etc.Hardy Kiwi vine leafing out and hummingbirds are here.Herb garden with artichoke. Not much growth yet. One rosemary survived last winter indoors and I bought a new one from Chuck.
Raised beds in hoophouse. Been eating these greens for awhile. Claytonia, mache, mixed greens, spinach, radish. Will be replaced with peppers and eggplants in the summer.
Thirty-nine tomato seedlings waiting for planting! Plus fennel, cukes, more cabbage, tomatillos, more winter squash, corn, pole beans and dye flowers.
Community Garden
No pictures, but lots of onion family planted there.