A quiet morning in the garden while the world suffers the realities of systemic injustice, brutality, disease, and death.

our maine home – zone 5b
A quiet morning in the garden while the world suffers the realities of systemic injustice, brutality, disease, and death.
A hellish spring continues in the US and the world. But the garden is growing, starting to take shape.
More photos from fruit yard on next post.
We are in the early phase of the Coronavirus SARS-2 pandemic. I’ve noticed that planning is very helpful in addressing anxiety. Garden planning is a chore I don’t enjoy, but it seems to help, so I’ll do some.
Here’s a look back at the past three years of gardening here:
I like the row concept from last year. It makes rotation decisions easier and keeps me focused on what we like to eat. I think I will reuse the 2019 approach, but keep the actual planting results on a separate page.
There are actually 10 rows, so here’s a rough beginning for 2020:
We also have other areas to garden:
And ! I want to add some hugelkultur beds for wildflowers this year!
Monday in the garden, putting it to bed. The job is not completely done, but good enough for the coming bad weather.
There is still a lot of food in the garden. We want to lay out the rows and paths, but may be forced to work around these crops.
I fell off the blogging wagon. At least trying to update at the end of the month. Row by row:
All in all, a good year. Only major pest was potato beetles. Have some changes to make next year, of course! Still busy with everything in the gardens, plus apple picking. More leisure to blog soon to come though.
I’ll go row by row from the back:
Okay, a photo break:
Just a few more notes for now. The corner trellis is producing kale and cucumbers, a little bit of arugula. I reseeded lettuce but it’s not germinated yet, probably due to scanty watering. We will have dry scarlet runner beans to eat this winter. And there are a lot of squash growing up the side of the chicken run.
There’s more – the herb garden, the hoophouse, the community garden plots, the fruit yard, the orchard (peaches!). But too much to cover in this post so I’ll wait for another day.
A definite sense that the season is on the wane. Thankful for this year’s bounty.
Plants are huge and mostly healthy except for a bad infestation of potato beetle on the fingerlings. I took a lot of photos. But still missed the herb beds and the orchard. Photos taken around 4 pm, sun already low in the West.
Row by row scan: