We have a lot of stinkhorns (Phallus impudicus) maturing in the hoophouse beds. Also in the back flower bed. They are so weird.

our maine home – zone 5b
We have a lot of stinkhorns (Phallus impudicus) maturing in the hoophouse beds. Also in the back flower bed. They are so weird.
I don’t know what it is, but it is growing quite conspicuously on a cedar tree along the driveway. The surface is plush and moist. I’d like to improve my mushroom identification skills.
I don’t know what these mushrooms are, but the colors are stunning. And a red maple leaf thrown into the mix.
A few of the many mushrooms that have popped up in this wet season. These were along the driveway. A slug is enjoying the flavor of one cap. On my return walk, I noticed the slug had had its fill and slunk away, leaving a fresh white scar.
I climbed partway up Fiery Mountain on a wet, rugged trail. Looking for black trumpets, which I found in abundance there a few years ago. I found some black trumpets, but also a variety of other specimens. I used to try to identify mushrooms, but I can’t keep up with them. Now I just know a few that I like to eat. And appreciate the rest for their looks and mysterious nature.
I walked down to the marina area on Hancock Point and saw some interesting specimens on the side of the road.
While I was harvesting rhubarb, Jeff and Roberta were out foraging oyster mushrooms. Quite a combination of spring foods! We grilled the oysters, which were pristine. They apparently found the rain over Memorial Day weekend enough to encourage them to flush.