After a night’s rain, the morning sunshine was so beautiful. The daisies are looking spectacular and the tart cherry tree is really putting out some delicious ripe fruit.

our maine home – zone 5b
After a night’s rain, the morning sunshine was so beautiful. The daisies are looking spectacular and the tart cherry tree is really putting out some delicious ripe fruit.
It’s exciting to see little baby fruits formed in the orchard. There is a long hazardous road between now and eating the harvest, but we can have hope looking at these babies. The pears and tart cherries are most photogenic, although there may be others.
Escarole is bolting. I harvested two large bags.
Harvested one good-sized beet and a few turnips.
Also jarred up some sauerkraut (not grown by us).
Soon we’ll need to eat a couple of the artichokes.
Other news: More lettuce than we know what to do with. A few peas, a few baby cucumbers, squash blossoms, a few handfuls of blueberries, a few tart cherries. Harvested some fingerling potatoes due to potato beetle infestation.