I don’t know how this poppy seed got into the hoophouse raised bed. But it has been fun to watch it grow and bloom in an unexpected location.

our maine home – zone 5b
I don’t know how this poppy seed got into the hoophouse raised bed. But it has been fun to watch it grow and bloom in an unexpected location.
A bit past their prime but still glorious.
My order from Fedco Trees arrived. There is urgency to get these bare-root trees planted.
Finished with the first three and one hazelnut. We still have four hazelnuts to plant. It’s taking some time. Scraping the hole with the tractor. Removing the rocks. Replacing the soil (very sandy fill) and supplementing with leaf mulch to ensure the hole is full. Topping off with pieces of sod upside down. Thoroughly watering in. It’s satisfying to see them in the ground.
These flowers in the herb / rock garden en route to the main garden generously offer their colors and shapes in early October.
It has been a spectacular sunflower year. All were volunteers in the main garden. I transplanted a few into a better spot, but still was impressed by how well they all did.
We started bringing large and small bouquets of them into the house. In the kitchen, their beauty brings joy and uplift hour after hour, day after day. There are blooms remaining in the garden, but many are hidden around the corner or may not have their faces toward us. A small effort to bring them in and change their water, for the amount of delight they bring with them.
In spite of the pandemic, we were able to come up with a celebration for Sam’s birthday this year. A lush bouquet and a chocolate sweet potato cake!
The garden is full of delights. And as always, mysteries.
This morning, a heavy dew or maybe a descended fog spangled everything. It burned off as the sun got hot.
I took some photos. I tried to photograph dew but it never comes out as beautiful as it is,
I love my field of pink poppies that grows larger every year.