I was so excited to see this aster starting to flower in my perennial bed. I just love the vibrant purple. This is a native plant purchased from Fedco Trees. I divided it into two clumps when planting and both are doing well.

our maine home – zone 5b
I was so excited to see this aster starting to flower in my perennial bed. I just love the vibrant purple. This is a native plant purchased from Fedco Trees. I divided it into two clumps when planting and both are doing well.
My order from Fedco Trees arrived. There is urgency to get these bare-root trees planted.
Finished with the first three and one hazelnut. We still have four hazelnuts to plant. It’s taking some time. Scraping the hole with the tractor. Removing the rocks. Replacing the soil (very sandy fill) and supplementing with leaf mulch to ensure the hole is full. Topping off with pieces of sod upside down. Thoroughly watering in. It’s satisfying to see them in the ground.