My to-do list is really long and I’m not making very fast progress. There is so much to do in the fall. It’s better to slow down some and enjoy these small steps in a positive direction.

our maine home – zone 5b
My to-do list is really long and I’m not making very fast progress. There is so much to do in the fall. It’s better to slow down some and enjoy these small steps in a positive direction.
I don’t know why this is growing here in the herb bed. It seemed to make an appearance on its own. I didn’t intentionally plant it. I have a practice of just letting unidentified plants grow until I get around to identifying them. My plant app said “Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus).” And it is quite attractive with tall strong stems and long-lasting yellow flowers late in the season. The bumblebees seem to really enjoy it.
So I think I’ll move the tubers to a location where they can spread. Maybe near the driveway. It would be nice to be greeted by a thicket of these yellow flowers when coming up to the house.
I planted this rudbeckia in the back flower bed. It’s a problematic area that I’m trying to fill with beautiful care-free perennials that don’t try to take over the garden.
We got this from Wild Seed’s plant sale.
I was so excited to see this aster starting to flower in my perennial bed. I just love the vibrant purple. This is a native plant purchased from Fedco Trees. I divided it into two clumps when planting and both are doing well.
The color of this clump of Autumn Joy Sedum is just lovely. My friend said this image would make a nice image for rug hooking.
I like a messy garden and this bed has filled out beautifully. Sage, some type of artemisia and goldenrod, as well as a granite boulder, companion the sedum.
It’s not native and I don’t see pollinators on it so that’s a negative, sadly.
The sunflower stalk cracked due to the weight of these heavy blooms. So rather than leaving them on the ground, I clipped all the flowers and made this huge unwieldy bouquet. Short-lived but oh so beautiful.
It is a joy to pick a few flowers and arrange them pleasingly. These bouquets are lifting my spirits indoors.
Just some photos of all the beauty surrounding me on this sunny summer day.
Something seemed strange about the center of this black-eyed susan. Upon inspection, I saw this strange yellow spider with pink stripes and eyes and weirdly outstretched legs.
After a night’s rain, the morning sunshine was so beautiful. The daisies are looking spectacular and the tart cherry tree is really putting out some delicious ripe fruit.