Spring day

An exciting day at Cross Road Gardens. It really felt like spring, for the first time, I think. A burst of gardening energy, although I only really worked for a few hours.

Frilly pink Hazelnut bud
Dug about a pound of leeks from last year, stored under mulch
Planted peas and spinach under a relocated trellis
Seedlings: Brussels sprouts and red cabbage
Kale seedlings
Broccoli and leek, shallot, cippollini seedlings
Indigo seedlings looking fresh
Removed mulch covers from garlic
Garlic sprouts ready to grow


I moved my seed starting schedule two weeks forward. I think I started too early last year.

So far, so good. My alliums have sprouted and some kale. Still waiting on celery leaf and indigo.

Left: a full tray of mixed broccoli.
Center from top: kale and cutting celery, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, alliums.
Right: a pot of indigo.

Today I planted brassica seeds: broccoli blend, Speedia Brussels sprouts, and Mammoth red cabbage. All Fedco.

Baby kale sprouts.
Alliums: King Sieg leeks and Cippollini onions.
Two kinds of shallots: Conservor and Big Ed’s.