Tomatoes planted

It’s always a milestone when we decide to put tomatoes in the ground. This year there was a lot of pressure because we started the seeds so early. The seedlings are huge and starting to be unhappy in their pots. But the weather is not yet totally reliable and we are obviously before the landmark Memorial Day.

Anyway, Sam planted one row today. 19 plants, 20 if you count each of the twins. There will be two more rows to come.

Tomato row

In other news, I’m starting to remulch the garlic.

Garlic bed

And a rabbit visits in the morning.

Rabbit visiting

first mouse

caught our first mouse

Plan A – we chased it around the counter area
thinking to catch it in an empty yogurt container
this was not going to work

Plan B – position a cardboard tube (postal mailer)
at the edge of the counter
one end over a wastebasket
drive mouse into tube (easily done)
mouse falls into wastebasket

worked like a charm,
let mouse go in yard

bigger challenge – secure house from mouse


Large flock of wild turkeys in the yard this morning
about 35! came up with driveway
circled the house pecking bugs or seeds or both
back down the driveway

had dinner with Deb, Paula, and Charlie at Memory Cove last night
Paula and Charlie came over today to see “The Farm”

I went to the Blue Hill Fair

the bees move in

Sam left camp just before sunrise to get the bees outdoors. He set up the beehive on a stump. Rolled the stump out of the woods and shaved it level with the electric chain saw. The bees started collecting pollen after a few orientation flights. Yellow, dark golden, and white pollen. Goldenrod and tansy are plentiful, as well as asters. The bees are moved in before we are.