Vole proofing – maybe

We put up a short fence of hardware cloth all around the hoophouse. It’s buried in the ground about six inches. I don’t know if it will work, but can’t hurt. We lost a lot of greens last winter to voles.

Escarole, arugula, kale, spinach are planted in the beds. Ready to overwinter. The squash are in there curing.


It’s always wonderful to see a large bird in the yard. This owl visited this morning. We observed it for awhile, and it seemed to be observing us as well. I wish it would catch some more voles that seem to be flourishing in the yard and garden. Hello owl!

Garden friend

I think this is the first time I’ve seen a frog in the garden. We’ve had a lot of rain this year, which makes it a wetter place to be. I was happy to see this chubby one, first hiding under a red cabbage leaf and then staying in place for a photo with weed tendril adornment.

Red visitor

It’s not that unusual to see a cardinal. But it is unusual to be idly looking out the window at the birdfeeder and watch a cardinal swoop in from the woods and then have it stick around for a photo. Not a great photo, but I wanted to remember this moment which seemed like a gift.

Insects known and unknown

I was happy to get these photos of the very busy Hummingbird Moth. The photos are highly cropped. The moth’s coloration is so extravagant.

Hemaris thysbe, the Hummingbird Clearwing Moth

The unknown creature below came in on an escarole leaf. At first I thought it was a spot of dirt. I touched it and it disappeared. It turns out it is a winged creature. It was very interested in settling on the kitchen windowpane where it stayed still for a photograph. It seems to be pointing head down. I can’t figure it out. A few different photos to show the scale. It is tiny.