Mushrooms on Fiery

I climbed partway up Fiery Mountain on a wet, rugged trail. Looking for black trumpets, which I found in abundance there a few years ago. I found some black trumpets, but also a variety of other specimens. I used to try to identify mushrooms, but I can’t keep up with them. Now I just know a few that I like to eat. And appreciate the rest for their looks and mysterious nature.

Some kind of coral mushroom
More coral, orange this time
Black trumpets!
A polypore? With very pretty edges.

Broccoli overabundance

This project took all afternoon. There was an overabundance of broccoli in the garden. It was impossible to keep up with unless we wanted to eat broccoli every day, twice a day. Some of it was flowering, some of it was way past its prime. I decided to harvest all I could find and go through it, removing the bad and preserving the good.

Result: five pounds of broccoli, chopped, blanched and frozen. Probably equally that amount tossed onto the compost. I’m glad that’s done.

Red visitor

It’s not that unusual to see a cardinal. But it is unusual to be idly looking out the window at the birdfeeder and watch a cardinal swoop in from the woods and then have it stick around for a photo. Not a great photo, but I wanted to remember this moment which seemed like a gift.