Kiwi bees

The kiwi vine is in bloom and the whole thing is buzzing with bees. No fruit will be forthcoming though because we don’t have a male plant. Not sure I want one, because I’m just picturing fallen kiwi fruit littering the deck and needing to be swept up.

Grafting the lemon tree

Sam wanted to graft the good Meyer Lemon tree onto the root stock left from the previous failed Meyer Lemon tree. It was quite a complicated operation. He used this website for guidance.

Grafting Lemon Trees – How to Graft a Lemon Tree with the T-Bud

Top of root stock is partially severed and bent to be lower than the grafts. This fakes the tree into thinking it needs a new leader and it will hopefully send energy to the grafts.
Good Lemon Tree is flowering

Camp – bathroom tile

It never seems easy, but we have finally settled on some tile for the camp bathroom.

The pebbles that were our first choice for the shower floor have been discontinued. So we ended up with the simple dark gray squares.

The bathroom floor will be the long planks with the gray mottling.

The shower walls and ceiling will be the mottled looking white tile that’s standing up.

On to the next step!

The Nelson blackberry travels

This blackberry variety is both productive and a bit invasive. Robust canes are popping up all around the area where it is planted. I should probably have given it more space, yes?

Anyway, we dug up a cane to give to a friend. It was quite an ordeal as the root seemed very tenacious. The root ball was huge and we tried to jam it into a tub.

On its way to a new home.

Hay mulch

We went on a mission to get a bale of hay for mulch. Found one at Dean Young’s. They had a group of old rotting bales looking quite the worse for wear, but free for the taking.

A scenic drive up the Eastbrook Road in the pickup. The mechanic got the bale loaded easily with his tractor. At home Sam managed to unload it and position it with some difficulty, since it was close to falling apart. But now it sits in the soil amendments area, reminding me of Jabba the Hutt.

Mid summer overview

Almost summer solstice and my garden is growing. Here’s what the rows look like with the exception of the tomato rows:

Photo from back corner
Comfrey – chopped it down today for mulching in orchard
Leeks, Cippollini, beets, parsnips, zucchini, patty pan squash
Potatoes and a sunflower volunteer
Mixed greens, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts
Fava beans, pea trellis
Broccoli heading up
Another broccoli
Artichoke volunteer
Jacobs cattle bean, peppers, chard, kale