Yep, it’s winter

It’s cold. After a warm November that lulled me into laziness. I didn’t get everything done in the garden. So some things froze that aren’t supposed to. Granted, I don’t really have the infrastructure needed to keep greens in the main garden. That would probably be cold frames. The row cover is not adequate. That’s the way it goes.

Frozen mizuna, maybe still edible?
Frozen leeks
Frozen broccoli rabe
Kale patch. I’ve seen this start to grow and then go to seed in the spring, so I had planned to leave this. I did harvest the chard next to it, and we’re still eating it.

The dried heads of various flowers are interesting this time of year. A variety of browns and all different textures. I don’t cut them back until spring so they can provide cover or whatever for creatures that might depend on them.

Autumn Joy sedum
Spirea – meadowsweet (I think)
Monarda fistulosa

And I spotted these sweet little cups when cutting back fronds in the asparagus bed. They are growing on bits of straw. The largest is maybe 1/4 inch wide.

Bird’s nest fungus?