We have a lot of stinkhorns (Phallus impudicus) maturing in the hoophouse beds. Also in the back flower bed. They are so weird.

our maine home – zone 5b
We have a lot of stinkhorns (Phallus impudicus) maturing in the hoophouse beds. Also in the back flower bed. They are so weird.
Ground cherry is producing prolifically in the community garden plot. Not so much in the home garden. I really like it for snacking. The little morsels are so sweet and tasty.
Some new plants have arrived. Other overly enthusiastic plants have to be removed. That’s the way it goes in my garden.
Here’s what we dug up:
I feel pretty sure I have not seen the last of these plants since they grow so enthusiastically in the garden from just fragments of root. But I’ve made a dent in the amount of space they take up. And I can keep after them more easily with the big bulk of them gone.