A bit past their prime but still glorious.

our maine home – zone 5b
A bit past their prime but still glorious.
Sam has been busy preparing the subfloor prior to laying the flooring soon. Sanding the edges and pairing on two coats of vapor barrier. This necessitated moving the stack of flooring which was good fun.
Beat the birds to pick this handful of strawberries! This patch has managed to come back from a serious leaf blight. It didn’t do much last year. But this year, it’s looking fresh and green, although a little patchy, and producing fruit!
I turned around in the hoophouse while harvesting kale and wow, this tiger swallowtail caught my eye. A surprise! He posed for a photo.
It’s exciting to see little baby fruits formed in the orchard. There is a long hazardous road between now and eating the harvest, but we can have hope looking at these babies. The pears and tart cherries are most photogenic, although there may be others.
A big day in the garden! Sam set up the cattle panels and planted the tomatoes. 40 in that row and 19 in the row against the fenceline. Plus four cherry tomatoes in the sandbox near the house, for a total of 63 seedlings planted. The rows in the garden have drip irrigation this year, a new innovation. And they are planted 16 inches apart rather than a foot. Trying out wider spacing this year.
While I was harvesting rhubarb, Jeff and Roberta were out foraging oyster mushrooms. Quite a combination of spring foods! We grilled the oysters, which were pristine. They apparently found the rain over Memorial Day weekend enough to encourage them to flush.
The lupines are stunning. Fields of them surround us. It’s hard to feel I’m enjoying them enough. Today I took a walk down to the cove to see this field. It was cloudy, but still beautiful.
Just hanging out in the driveway next to the Prius.