I pulled the overgrown arugula in the hoophouse. I stripped most of the edible leaves from the long stalks and then couldn’t bear to compost the flowers before enjoying them as a bouquet for awhile.

our maine home – zone 5b
I pulled the overgrown arugula in the hoophouse. I stripped most of the edible leaves from the long stalks and then couldn’t bear to compost the flowers before enjoying them as a bouquet for awhile.
The kiwi vine is in bloom and the whole thing is buzzing with bees. No fruit will be forthcoming though because we don’t have a male plant. Not sure I want one, because I’m just picturing fallen kiwi fruit littering the deck and needing to be swept up.
Sam wanted to graft the good Meyer Lemon tree onto the root stock left from the previous failed Meyer Lemon tree. It was quite a complicated operation. He used this website for guidance.
Grafting Lemon Trees – How to Graft a Lemon Tree with the T-Bud