Hay mulch

We went on a mission to get a bale of hay for mulch. Found one at Dean Young’s. They had a group of old rotting bales looking quite the worse for wear, but free for the taking.

A scenic drive up the Eastbrook Road in the pickup. The mechanic got the bale loaded easily with his tractor. At home Sam managed to unload it and position it with some difficulty, since it was close to falling apart. But now it sits in the soil amendments area, reminding me of Jabba the Hutt.

Mid summer overview

Almost summer solstice and my garden is growing. Here’s what the rows look like with the exception of the tomato rows:

Photo from back corner
Comfrey – chopped it down today for mulching in orchard
Leeks, Cippollini, beets, parsnips, zucchini, patty pan squash
Potatoes and a sunflower volunteer
Mixed greens, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts
Fava beans, pea trellis
Broccoli heading up
Another broccoli
Artichoke volunteer
Jacobs cattle bean, peppers, chard, kale