Do you think the lunar eclipse is visible in this photo? I was awake at 4 am when it was supposed to be happening, so I snapped a photo.

our maine home – zone 5b
Do you think the lunar eclipse is visible in this photo? I was awake at 4 am when it was supposed to be happening, so I snapped a photo.
We enjoyed taking some photos on this frosty morning. Frost is such a marvel.
The marathon of holiday cooking started on Wednesday morning with two pies. A vegan pumpkin pie (really butternut squash and some sweet potato) and a vegan pecan pie.
And a beautiful brief snowfall, just perfect to make pies by.
By Wednesday evening it was becoming clear that there would be too much food for Thanksgiving dinner. So we ate the kale farro salad for pre-thanksgiving dinner. An overlooked mealtime until this year!
Thursday morning’s bake was this main course: shepherd’s pie with mushroom lentil filling and polenta topping.
We were overstuffed of course and have plenty of leftovers. It felt weird to have thanksgiving alone at our house due to COVID. But the food was fun and exciting and just the way we like it.
We mulched most of the beds for winter. The two near the back got a layer of chicken coop waste covered by a layer of straw. The other beds got waterlogged straw, picked up from J&P Farmers Market. And some leftover hay.
The strawberry bed got a light layer of mulch. It really needs the blighted leaves pulled off and more mulch. Maybe later.
What’s left in the garden? A nice patch of leeks, quite a lot of kale, some juvenile broccoli that I don’t have much hope for, and mostly bygone escarole. A row of half-hearted spinach.
It’s definitely getting to be wintry out there.
I took some time to visit a friend and sit on her porch doing handwork. I enjoyed the sunshine, the view, and the companionship.
It’s been warm this week. Good weather for preparing to bring some plants indoors soon. I found a low table in a barter and swap group and picked it up this morning. It will make a nice platform for herbs in a sunny window.
We repotted the second lemon tree and the still-growing graft from the first lemon tree. Made up extra potting mix from leftover Pro-Mix potting soil, a little coir fiber, and a little sand. And some sprinkles of azomite and green sand.
Deb and I took a walk from camp to Duck Pond. We were entertained by this curious beaver, who headed towards us from the faraway heath and then swam back and forth in front of us over and over.
The first real snowfall of the season, on Election Day.
Drying some oregano leaves to replenish our supply. Reminder to self: harvest a lot of oregano in the spring. Late oregano leaves start to get pretty imperfect.