Harvest continues

A busy kitchen this morning with frost on the ground and the woodstove going. The coziness almost mitigated the ominous news about the Supreme Court. I have to keep remembering to return my mind to mutual aid as a principle. Feed the hungry. And take care of the land that feeds us.

Pumpkin sliced and roasted
Ready to purée
Two pounds of puréed pumpkin for pie or pancakes
Beets from Lesley preparing for canning
A single apple from our baby orchard. Edible and juicy but not too tasty.

Camp story: loft floor

We were out at camp today to paint a few boards for corner trim. It went quickly. While cleaning up a bit inside, I noticed the loft floor has begun! I’m excited to see it progress and eventually be able to perch up there, even before stairs!

Beautiful fall color at the lake. And the roof peak is a very charming subtle detail.

Community Garden – fall milestone

Sam is cleaning the inside of the emptied water tank at the Community Garden
Setup with generator and power washer
Sam and Lesley discussing something, probably how to reduce algae buildup in the tank
Last radicchio of summer
I still have a row of leeks growing
Judy’s beautiful patch of thyme
Panorama – water barrels are still out for awhile
Next plot over still has some blooms
Sam’s still working. I got a bright green dot in the photo, don’t know what caused that.
Time for me to head home on foot
Selfie walking home at sunset
Tree near the driveway
Tree along the driveway
Our hazelnut bush turning color