Fava beans in the kitchen

It’s quite a production. And I’m doing it mostly myself. No fava bean party this year. But the deliciousness makes it all worthwhile.

Fava beans, blanched, chilled in an ice bath, and individually peeled
Fava bean pesto on toast with early ripe tomato “Indigo Apple”

I made pesto with half and froze half. The same amount is still in the garden, so I will do this operation over again in a few days.

Pesto ingredients:

  • Fava beans
  • Some dried cilantro that was left over from dinner last night
  • Aquafaba (bean water from chickpeas pressure-cooked earlier) to moisten


Squash heading up and over the chicken run. We stapled some chicken wire to sticks to give it something to climb on.
Peas growing exuberantly toward the sky.
Scarlet runner beans, favorite of hummingbirds
Green bean tendril has reached the top of the corner trellis
Green bean flower is a pretty pink.