Yesterday I dismantled the indoor seedling operation and cleaned the area. Reclaimed a lot of space in the living room!
Disposition of remaining seedlings:
- Four Marketmore cucumber seedlings to plant, joining four already planted last week
- Four soil blocks of celeriac
- Twelve soil blocks of Afina cutting celery (indistinguishable from celeriac)
- 24 tomato plants of unidentified variety. No room for these, so we are giving them away.
- Five tomatillos that will go into the hoophouse
- Four ground cherries to be planted in various places
- Twelve pepper seedlings destined for the hoophouse
- Four summer squash: two costata romanesco zucchini, one black zucchini, one patty pan (a very late germinator). I only want to plant three.
- 18 winter squash destined for the community garden or maybe a few in the main garden
I’ve got a lot of planting ahead of me this week with these and direct seeding.