…the 1853 Ordnance Survey map of the islands, carried out by British surveyors who had anglicized the Gaelic place names and diminished the density of toponyms on the landscape.
Robert Macfarlane, The Old Ways, page 151
Reading this reminded me that I want to document that we live at “Sukie’s Elbow.”
This toponym is not written down anywhere that I’ve seen, not on a sign, not in the postal records, not even searchable on Google as of a minute ago. I heard the name from two different locals who popped up with it as I was laboriously explaining where we lived.
“Our driveway heads off to the left where Cross Road bends sharply…”
“oh, Sukie’s Elbow”
Neither time did I have the presence of mind to ask where that name came from, but next time it happens I will.