Plants are huge and mostly healthy except for a bad infestation of potato beetle on the fingerlings. I took a lot of photos. But still missed the herb beds and the orchard. Photos taken around 4 pm, sun already low in the West.
Fence row in front. Scarlet runner beans, wild golden glow, zucchini, patty pan, Hopi sunflowers, Chinese cabbage.Scarlet runner beans, a favorite.Costata romanesco zucchini.Tomato cathedral. None ripe yet, but some nice big green globes.Indigo apple tomato – really dark!Carrots, fingerlings (started harvesting), soybeans (no beans yet). Cilantro volunteers.Artichokes “Tavor” planted May 4.Hearty greens: escarole, tatsoi, Salanova red lettuce, radicchio, etc. Bare spots in this row for fall plantings.End of hearty greens row with some ruby red orach and dill. Chard peeking out.Chard looking great.Parsnips old and new. A few turnips hiding behind the big seed-bearing parsnips.Beets at various stages. Have only harvested one.Old scallions and fava beans ready for harvest.Broccoli row. We have eaten two or three meals from it. I just cut back flowering stalks to encourage more side shoots.A few purple cauliflower are hiding in the broccoli row.Dazzling blue kale. should have been covered. Looking undersized.Three sisters row, a complete jungle.First bloom from Chuck’s Mexican sunflower.Flower row at back fence. Sunflowers and daisies, also dahlias, lacy phacelia, and poppies (ending). I weeded this row and tied up sprawling plants recently.Corn!Garlic row outside back fence. Weeded today. It was getting choked with big grasses. Close to harvest, but I’d like it to grow a bit longer.Some squash volunteers and an uncut scape in garlic row.Asparagus beds taken over by squash.Corner trellis with kale, lettuces, and sad arugula patch.Peas did not do well this year, but there are a few vines in disarray still producing a few pods.Cucumber, picked my first one yesterday.