Not seeing my self Self as a consolidation of effort toward desire, not at my age.
Just to write, just to stop and write.
Write Mt Fuji, Write Kilimanjaro, Write Annapurna, Write Denali, Write Mt Everest, Write the Moon.
Not seeing my self Self as a consolidation of effort toward desire, not at my age.
Just to write, just to stop and write.
Write Mt Fuji, Write Kilimanjaro, Write Annapurna, Write Denali, Write Mt Everest, Write the Moon.
New moon. New moon draws out subtle energies. New moon. This is the new moon night. I am supposed to tune in to that energy. oh your energy. Instead I’m resting in the flawed field, the field of fallow/fallen, the failed field, the coordinates are my face. I can’t describe this. I am alleluia.
I am eclipse. I am an-atta. I am not even approaching Sati. You have to watch out for me in my current state.
Traveling moon, traveling rainbow. Traveling before and beyond the shield of cloud. I am shielded by cloud. Embrace cloud. Toy cloud, come to me. Toy cloud, swimming in the bathtub.
Did you have to swim?
Eli has almost gotten to a Saturn Return (?)
Eclipse—astrology? What is it all about?
I am really struggling with a lot of questions—
Maybe this is the tail end of my tenure working I am certainly chafing under all the structure I felt Linda closing the lid down on my dear chaos Friday and I wanted to cry especially since there was no way to explain EXPLAIN—
pressures pressures decompression after Eli’s birthday party yesterday my eyes my eyes my moon
Who notices the me, back of the moon.
I have an understanding of disease.
I entertain the calm moon in my head.
At home, peace snacks and bed.