It seems like a recurrent theme.
It themes like a recurrent seem.
It dreams like a recurrent cream.
It memes like a recurrent fream. I mean team.
The team is a recurrent dream I mean.

Excellent dew we’ll go out fishing and fishing has come up. All smiles in a night dream, hiking up the humid woodsy path, all moist and mud, on my right the human fish ladder sparkling turquoise with its uphill current all bubbling and clean, the naked humans serious as porpoise, bend and flail feet flippers, swimming up to spawn I guess.

november 5

The quiet relief that the weekend is over. Platinum light gone down and gone down early. My dream mists back into my mind. Medieval garb, a princess in pink veils, brocade gown, pointed hat. I was dark-haired, petite, happy, pretty. I was in a play, but I had an agenda. Much more active and engaged than I ever am in waking life.